Born at the crossroads
of transcultural challenges

Individual registration


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“Helping the other is not simply about knowing the other, but rather to be in a position of welcoming the other . This is the central theme of our colloquium” – Serge Bouznah.

Welcoming a baby into a new world, far from their own, is a challenge for any migrant parent

Being confronted with different parenting techniques, having doubts about the upbringing of a baby born in a foreign land, experiencing there the first stages of life when the need for cultural belonging is paramount, are all factors that make this period (potentially?) vulnerable.

Multiple levels of vulnerability may be associated with migration issues, such as war, precariousness, isolation, young age, or experiences of violence. These can sometimes be combined and/or be reactivated during the perinatal period. Today we know that the actions taken early in life are crucial for the development and construction of young children. Hence, It is time to face the transcultural challenges of the contemporary mixed diverse world.

This colloquium will bring together professionals from various fields of perinatology to think together, in a transcultural and transdisciplinary perspective, on how to welcome, support and accompany babies (and their parents) at the crossroads of worlds and vulnerabilities.

Location : Sorbonne University International Conference Center (CICSU), 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris.